Here is some info I got on the net:
CHANGING RUINS; Victorians used cranes to rebuild Stonehenge
STONEHENGE is as much the work of 20th century engineers as prehistoric man, it was revealed yesterday. One million visitors a year marvel at Britain's most famous ancient monument. But the idea that the existing circle of stones was created 4,000 years ago is a myth, according to historian Brian Edwards.
He has uncovered photographs showing fallen stones being hauled into place using cranes and scaffolding during a series of facelifts beginning in 1901
Lintels were put back up and the giant supporting stones pulled upright. It is thought 14 were set in concrete concealed under the turf and only seven are in their original sockets. Mr Edwards, 44, a post-graduate research student at the University of the West of England in Bristol, said: "Stonehenge was historically cleansed and the true history was hidden away. For too long people have been kept in the dark over the Stonehenge restoration work. "I'm astonished", he added: "What we have been looking at is a 20th century landscape which is reminiscent of what Stonehenge might have looked like thousands of years ago".
"It has in factbbeen created by the heritage industry and is not the creation of any prehistoric peoples."
Most guide books make no mention of the huge construction works begun during the Victorian era or the other restoration work carried out in 1919, 1920, 1958, 1959 and 1964.
The way the monument looks today is very different from when the giant stones lay strewn across salisbury plain in the 18th century,when there were only two stones standing upright.
English Heritage, the guardian of the monument, have issued a statement that they now intend to rewrite the official guide book, to make sure that the rebuilding is no longer glossed over and the public are made aware that the stonehenge we see today is only a reconstruction of what the victorians thought may have been the original configuration of these ancient stones.STONEHENGE is as much the work of 20th century engineers as prehistoric man, it was revealed yesterday. One million visitors a year marvel at Britain's most famous ancient monument. But the idea that the existing circle of stones was created 4,000 years ago is a myth, according to historian Brian Edwards.
He has uncovered photographs showing fallen stones being hauled into place using cranes and scaffolding during a series of facelifts beginning in 1901
Lintels were put back up and the giant supporting stones pulled upright. It is thought 14 were set in concrete concealed under the turf and only seven are in their original sockets. Mr Edwards, 44, a post-graduate research student at the University of the West of England in Bristol, said: "Stonehenge was historically cleansed and the true history was hidden away. For too long people have been kept in the dark over the Stonehenge restoration work. "I'm astonished", he added: "What we have been looking at is a 20th century landscape which is reminiscent of what Stonehenge might have looked like thousands of years ago".
"It has in factbbeen created by the heritage industry and is not the creation of any prehistoric peoples."
Most guide books make no mention of the huge construction works begun during the Victorian era or the other restoration work carried out in 1919, 1920, 1958, 1959 and 1964.
The way the monument looks today is very different from when the giant stones lay strewn across salisbury plain in the 18th century,when there were only two stones standing upright.
English Heritage senior archaeologist Dave Batchelor, who will undertake the task, said: "The decision not to cover the reconstruction work in any detail was taken before my time"

English Heritage spokeswoman Elspeth Henderson said: "I don't think we have deliberately sought not to talk about the reconstruction.
"It depends what you focus on, and we think most people are interested in why it was built and the different elements of its development."