Thursday 7 August 2008


I am feeling very depressed. The more I look around me every day, the more it seems that world is becoming a living nightmare. Global warming, pollution, corruption, political incorrectness, rudeness, crime, violence, mass economic migration, hate, greed, self importance, road rage, celebrity, secularism, evolution, big bang, clever people who know they are right, stupid people who know they are right! Oil running out, China getting stronger. India getting rich. People with hate in their eyes walking the streets, clambering onto the tube, gathering at bus stops, serving at supermarkets. Grinning faces of self important idiots on the TV. Cackling voices on the radio. All the great pubs have closedThe rat race to destruction goes on and on and on.

I must visit Brian Bruce today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mick' you forgot about OVER POPULATION! Density on this island is nearly three times that of France for instance and more even than China or India. When 'quality of life' is given as the priority, research shows that an ideal population for Britain would be 40million only! Suggest web: Optimum Population Trust. Hope this not 'the last straw. Keith